
How To Draw A Moment Diagram

Moment diagrams are similar to shear diagrams, use them to observe the location and value of the maximum positive and negative moment, or the moment at any specific location.

The easiest and fastest way to construct a moment-diagram is past using the areas of the regions in the shear-diagram. Before doing this you must solve for all the reactions, and solve the shear diagram.

Here is a fellow member that is solved to the desired country to begin working on the moment diagram. The start of a moment diagram (Thousand) is below the existing shear diagram (5).

Moment diagrams, like shear diagrams, begin and stop at naught. The moment in each section is the integral of that department in the shear diagram. The area regions of the shear diagram are labeled below and will be referenced further on.

The area of the get-go region in the shear diagram is . Describe a directly line from zip to -50ft*lb underneath the support at A. Draw a dot at the end point of your line so that y'all have the goal in sight for each segment (this seriously reduces mistakes and is faster).

The line is straight is because the shear in this segment is abiding.

The area of region 2 of the shear graph is . The ending signal on the moment diagram for this department will exist . Put a dot at the cease point (8.35 lbft) and draw a direct line to it ( this shear segment is likewise constant).

The expanse for region 3 is 8.35 lb*ft and the shear is abiding resulting in a linear moment. The moment at the end of this segment is 16.35 ft*lb.

Region 4 is different from the others, it's a triangle instead of a rectangle. To find the area we have to find where the sloped line crosses the axis. This is done with a simple line equation:

The expanse of the triangular region 4 is , bringing the graph to 17.4 lbft. This region is linear and then our moment graph will be parabolic.

A parabolic section has two options, it can bend upward or downward. The easiest way to tell which fashion it will curve is to inspect the shear diagram segment. The tall side of the triangle of region 4 is on the left side so the steepest part of the parabola will exist on the left side. This parabolic section volition bend upward/outward.

Region five is also a triangle. We know the distance of the horizontal to be . The area is . The shear here is negative then the overall moment modify will be negative and it brings you dorsum to nix.

The tallest side of the triangle in region 5 is on the right side and then the steepest part of the parabola will besides exist on the right side. This parabolic section will also curve upward.

This terminal section is clearer about the steep section of the parabola. Wait how steep information technology is at the end of the graph near 0 versus how shallow it is at the top of the segment near 17.4. Over again this is due to the alpine side of the triangular section existence on the far right.

That completes the moment diagram for this instance. The maximum negative moment is -fifty ft*lb at back up A and the maximum positive moment is ~17.4 ft*lb to the left of support B.

For structural problems information technology is common to use the contrary sign convention and so that the graph of the last moment diagram resembles the flexure of the member. I may want to explore and illustrate that later.


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