
Microsoft pushes yet another Surface RT update meant to fix Wi-Fi woes - woodardaffeekly

The third time might be the charm for Microsoft, which impartial released a third update in Eastern Samoa many months meant to fixing Badger State-Fi connectivity issues plaguing the Surface RT tablet.

Since its release late survive year, hundreds of Surface RT users have taken to Microsoft's support forums to kvetch around uneven Badger State-Fi woes. They reported tune connections get flagged American Samoa "limited" after a definite period of use up, and troubles connecting the lozenge to the Internet. The problem appears to constitute periodic and numerous users according that a bring up helps fix the issue.

Microsoft engineers first unsuccessful to fix the problem in February, with a software update for the Surface RT that addressed "individual 'Limited' Wi-Fi connection issues," according to the release notes. Only this didn't appear to work universally, and some users continued to report Wi-Fi connection woes.

In March, Microsoft took another stab at resolving the problem and released a second update that was meant to bring "improved Surface Wi-Fi reliability, connectivity in respective scenarios, and carrying out improvements." More specifically, Microsoft said in the release notes it "fixes Wi-Fi dependableness allowing for better roaming and improvements to 'limited' connectivity scenarios."

Yet the problems calm persisted for some users.

The thirdly Surface RT update, discharged on Apr 9, is back on the case. This time around, Microsoft says all the fixes in the software system are meant to address the Wi-Fi event. In the release notes, Microsoft says that "certain 'limited' connectivity issues [have been] resolved," and that it besides "improves Wi-Fi to handle a wide browse of access points," and "resolves scheme crashes caused by certain Wi-Fi issues." Fingers crossed!

The latest Come on RT update is also a additive update, which way that it also includes fixes from the previous expiration if you have not downloaded them already.

Updates are automatically installed on the Airfoil RT pad of paper through Windows Update, or you can too manually install the Wi-Fi fix by opening the Charms stop, past selecting Settings > Change PC Settings > Windows Update, where you lavatory select Check for Updates.

Microsoft also has an Apr update for Surface In favor users. The patch resolves some Surface Type and Touch deal connectivity issues, fixes a bug with on screen touch navigation in the UEFI the boot menu, and corrects an issue where toggling airplane mode would disable the Wi-Fi driver. The Surface Pro fix is also a cumulative update, bundling cardinal previous updates from Process for the tablet along with information technology. You can manually check for the upgrade in the same way of life as with the Surface RT.


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