
How To Team Create On Roblox Studio

How To Add Teams In Roblox

Last Updated: February 19, 2021

Do you want to know how other game developers add factions or groups to their Roblox games? If so, then you're in the right place. We'll teach you how to implement Teams on the Roblox Studio. In addition to that, we'll also discuss a little bit about spawn locations in the game.


Roblox is an online gaming and game creation platform that allows you to play games developed by other users. A lot of these games are usually team games where you can play with your friends or other groups of people.

So if you want to create a game with different factions and groups on Roblox, you have to implement the Teams Service in your Studio. After enabling the feature, you can go ahead and add teams to your game.

If you're having some trouble implementing and adding Teams to your game, don't worry, we're here to help you. All you have to do is follow our guide on using the service on the platform below.

How to implement Teams on your Roblox game

Enabling Teams in Roblox divides all the players into groups inside the game. This feature allows you to team-based games with your friends or other people on the platform.

In most war games, two teams compete with each other to win. However, some places have more than two groups that a player can choose to join.

In any case, you can also implement and enable Teams when you're creating a game. Follow our quick tutorial below to learn how.

Step 1: Add the Teams Service on your Explorer

The Teams feature in Roblox isn't enabled by default, no matter what game or place you use. So before you can set new teams, you must first add the service to your explorer.

  1. Open Roblox Studio on your computer and sign-in to your account.
  2. Go to the View tab and click the Service icon in the Advanced section (upper right side of your screen).

  3. Select Teams and click Done.

Step 2: Add and configure new Teams on your game

After enabling the Teams Service, you can now add different teams and set colors for each one. You can find the option to do so on the Explorer Window on the Studio.

  1. Hover on the Teams object, click the plus icon, and select the Team option.

  2. Click on your newly created team and head to the Properties window. If the tool isn't visible in your Studio, head to the View tab and select Properties on the upper left side of your screen.

  3. Change the default Name to something better and fitting. You can also adjust the TeamColor and choose between the available colors on the Studio.

After adding new Teams on Roblox, you can go ahead and configure spawn locations and player assignments. With the right placement of spawns and balanced assignment settings, you can create a game that all teams can enjoy.

How to configure spawn locations on Roblox

By default, spawn locations on Roblox are "Neutral" in the sense that any player can spawn on them. However, there are times where factions should have separate spawn locations to make the game fair for both sides.

As such, you can choose to configure a spawn location and lock it to a specific team. To do so, head over to the Properties window, disable the "Neutral" property and use one of your factions' colors as the TeamColor.

You can even hide these spawn locations by setting its Transparency to 1, disabling its CanCollide feature, and deleting its decal. Just remember that its TeamColor is different from its Color and BrickColor property.

To wrap it all up

Now that you know how to add Teams on Roblox, it's time to create a game for groups of people. Also, placement of player spawns and using group assignments can make the game more enjoyable for both teams.

With that in mind, you can use separate spawn locations for different factions in your group. By doing so, you can make sure that no one gets the upper hand before the game even starts.

As for player assignments, Roblox automatically assigns new ones to the team with the least members. However, you can opt to disable this feature and allow players to select the faction they want to join.

That's all we have on our guide about Teams in Roblox. For the latest tips, tricks, and tutorials, visit us regularly for our daily posts and updates. You can also add us to your bookmarks for faster access.

How To Team Create On Roblox Studio


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